New Jersey Times

A view of the world from American East Coast. From this vantage point, we look towards both east and west. Nothing hides from here and WE SEE EVERY THING.

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Location: Woodbridge, New Jersey, United States

An Ordinary Person looking for Extra Ordinary People and their views

Monday, June 19, 2006

The parallels between Mullahs and the right wing loud-mouths

Of my days in madrassas of Pakistan, I do remember the venomous, pedantic diatribes of those mullahs who used their breathless harangues to vilify all those who disagreed with them. I was unable to fathom the depth of their arguments, but boy! They had some effect. Their monologues were passionate and effective. They did make people take action, and most of the time, this action would be destructive. Their impact was limited but vicious. To my surprise, they were never able to gain more than 5% of popular vote in any general elections during the last 50 years in the country. The only exception is the most recent general elections, where thanks to the burgeoning wave of religious sentiments, they have raised their popular appeal to 12%. It’s no rocket science to track down the causes of these gains. The misadventure of Iraq invasion has catalyzed the masses not only in the Muslim world, but also in the western world. In this context, Bush administration’s strategy of inflating and exaggerating the threats to national security by these mullahs had been a great boon for them. This has galvanized the people around them, who otherwise would give them no more importance than mere nuisance.

But now, on my way home everyday, when I listen to Sean Hannity or to Mark Levine when I am late or to Ann Coulter or to Rush Limbaugh, It’s a déjà vu for me. The only difference is their language. Thinking back of those mullahs now, when I am able to make some sense of their non-sense, I am struck by the similarity of venomous uttering between these two groups of people. The similarities are astounding despite there being nothing in common. Both will hammer their audience with only their side of the story. Both will appeal to emotions devoid of any reasoning. Both will shout their opponents down. Both will distort the facts to any stretch of imagination. Both will reinvent history and the worst of all, both won’t mind taking the lives of others in order to prevail. Their tools are instigation and provocation.

Having seen both extremes of this ideological warfare, It's easy to conclude that pornographers like Larry Flint and Hugh Hefner are perhaps the only people other than these right wing loud-mouths, who have abused the freedom of speech to such an extent. Those Mullahs do not have any such freedom documented in their constitution, but they still enjoy it to the same hideous end. Add to this danger is their access to the multitude of masses through radio and television.

To break their grip on these institutions, we have to take certain steps that could counter the influence of their venomous agenda. To this end, the most importat step could be an internet access so cheap not only in America, but around the world, so that people could have access to alternative views. That could come on the heels of education for billions of illiterate people. Their governments have little interest or resources to take steps in this regard. This must be done on the footings of a Marshal Plan. This is the ultimate investment that we can make towards our national security. Once on track, these people would be able to discern seed from the chaffe. Wasn't it education that made America so great in the last century? Once these peole have access to independent sources of in formation other than leaders or governments, they won't be misled by the likes of these pundits that are plaguing our lives. Right now, billions of people have no access to independent sources of news and information, and have to rely on these extremists for information which is obviously tainted. Harvard University is working on cheaper laptops and any support to further this cause of free flow of information will help loosen their grip on the minds of innocent people. Non-profit institutions and charities also need rethinking and redirection along with the United States government for a complete overhaul of their investments. This can be done through United Nations to make a sincere effort for the common good of the humanity. We ourselves are cocooned in our own nationalistic shell and crying others foul. Ordinary American businesses flourish when people around the world are able to make choices. They can add up to this effort and help not only educate but also eradicate hatred against America that is being orchestrated by these right wing instigators.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Republican 2006 Call to Arms- Familiar but more vicious

Want to read the minds of republican strategists? Just read the transcripts of their recent public musings and you will find a list of common threads that run through all of them on the pattern of Wikipedia list of synonyms. Some of these words and terms are,
Terrorist ideologues
Muslim nihilists
Radical dead-enders
etc. etc.
This is just a sample of the thematic props for the republican leaders to win back the lost hearts and minds of ordinary American voters. There is no weapon more powerful than the weapon of fear. Terrorists used this weapon once on 9/11 and achieved their objective. Republicans are using this tactic everyday on American people with even greater success. Their audacity to continue terrorizing American people has gone far beyond the destruction caused by terrorists on 9/11, both in terms of loss of lives and the economy. By now, far more Americans have been killed in conflicts abroad than 2800+ killed on 9/11. The blow to our economy will be felt by this generation, the next generation and the next to next generation. The social services that our seniors and our less fortunate rely on, will almost be non-existent by the time, republicans have fulfilled their narcissist objectives.
Throughout this abstract and asymmetrical war on 'terror', which is in fact a war on a noun, this cabal of greed has estranged ordinary Americans from not only so called 'enemies' of western civilization, but also from the traditional and historic allies. The damage to American interests in most cases long term and some cases permanent. American businesses have lost their niche and their goodwill in common brand areas. Bill boards and signs with American recognition are being replaced or being covered throughout the world. This may not be hurting Boeing, Lockheed Martin or GE, but it is affecting every other consumer businesses. The aversion to American businesses is not being caused by despotic regimes or autocratic rulers; this great dislike has simmered among the general populations of nations, both friends and foes alike.
Democratic leadership in the house and senate is no support to lean on. They are myopic in their own pursuit of pulling political scores, defying the sentiments of their own constituents. They are walking a tight rope of re-election, no matter what. In this tunnel race, they are not willing to give a damn to what their own voters are disgusted about. And mind it, this disgust to republican direction of the country is despite the fact that Americans do not see the horrific images of war, both of the innocent people being killed in hundreds of thousands, designated as 'collateral damage' and our own young men and women. Their opinion is based on just hear say and the verbal tug of war on a few cable channels. If they are able to see the real pictures, the people of this country will demand a U-turn in the course of action, and they will get it.
So, what is the solution? Two things must be done right away,
1- Gather as many images of war as possible and post them online and in the media. These images must reflect the reality on the ground. This won't help wake up the dead conscience of republican leaders, but will let the American people feel what their leaders have brought upon our young men and women and upon innocent men, women and children under the pretext of national security.
2- We must rally around the few sane minds inside the congress and outside of it, the likes of those who might sound controversial but prophetic in the due course of time (no names). In doing so, please beware of the turn coats who will jump on the band wagon once they see it moving

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

When Outrageous is In-rageous

She yelled and spat venom. She threw curses and implored all people of the world do the same. She was the mother of Natalie Holloway. Remember the young girl now missing in Aruba? She was talking about the boys released after weeks of detention for lack of evidence of any involvement in the disappearance of this Alabama girl. In a similar case, the boys could not have been detained more than 48 hours under U.S. Laws. She was unhappy on their release even after a very thorough investigation not only by the Aruban authorities, but also under a close supervision by the all powerful F.B.I. , as if she is the only mother in the world.

The question is where she was when her girl was learning to go out alone on the beaches with strangers at 2’o clock in the morning. Where was her loving motherhood when her young girl was learning to give blow jobs in the back seats of the cars? And now, she wants every nation on the earth to shut their doors on these boys whom she has declared guilty to mask her own careless parenting. She is a classic upper class case of a dysfunctional family who wouldn’t miss the spotlight even at the price of their own daughter. For God sake, this shouldn’t be misconstrued as a callous indifference to a mother’s ultimate suffering. This is a reaction to the arrogant selfishness that is sweeping across this country all due to misguided pride in self and the demeaning of everyone else. God Bless America and the rest go to hell.

Just because these boys are of a different skin color, you wouldn’t give them the chance you would like for your own son. You would like to be above all laws just because it’s you. Some of us would understand her situation better than others, but most of us who saw this on national television would cringe back to our lonesome fears of the segregated past. She is blessed to have the resources that millions of mothers around the world would die for. This is the time to acknowledge modesty and show grace, instead of falling in the abyss of selfishness and wreak the bonds that takes decades to build with a single sentence in front of the mike.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

The Art Of War

I met with a fine gentleman last week. He leads a large district comprising of 13 departmental stores of a Meaga corporation. So, obviously a successful person. at the end of our meeting, he let me borrow a pocket size book that at first, would seem to have meant for a Graduation present for a high schooler. But, upon reading, I saw all those paragraphs that he had underlined meant the way he might have practiced the old chinese wisdom in conducting affairs of a modern day mega corporation.

Following are the excerpts from this book.

1- ' A military operation involves deception. Even though, you are competent, appear to be incompetent. Though effective, appear to be ineffective'...'When you are going to attack nearby, make it look as if you are going to go a long way; when you are going to attack far away, make it look as if you are going just a short distance'.

2- Regarding your opposition or competition, It says,' When they are fulfilled, be prepared gainst them. When they are strong, avoid them'. The most efficient of the movement that is unexpected and the best of the plan is the one that is unknown'.

3- It is never beneficial for a nation to continue battle over a long period of time. It dulls the forces and blunts the effectiveness.

4- If you are equal, then fight if you are able. If you are fewer, then keep away, if you are able. If you are fewer and not able, then flee. ..Because, if the smaller side is stubborn, it becomes the captive of the larger side..

Wolf Blitzer Crying Wolf

I never realized this until recently that why would I have a fast beating heart every time I would watch 'Wolf Bliter Reports' on CNN. This seemingly serious looking newsman always had an aura of credibility in his expression. It was only recently I realized he is one of those few news anchors who would use sensational superlatives with such a frequency that a ctastrophic scene would seem looming right over your head. My son, 10, would sometimes watch him on CNN with me. He inadvertently said, " He sounds like Doom's day angel." Boy! Wasn't he telling the truth and solving my irregular heart problem. That was the end of my watching 'Wolf Blitzer reports' on CNN. Exaggeration and Hyperbole is the tool he would use with such a rhythm that would make you get shelter in a bunker as heavens are about to fall any moment now. And shamelessly, he would do all this from the pulpit of an impartial journalist using the worldwide reach of this mega network. I have started counting the superlatives he would use per segment to keep a record of his doom sayings. as I can't do this all by myself due to the negative effect it has on a normal heart, I request the readers of this blog to join me in tracking his and other so-called news reporter's use of scary superlatives and present them to the public to uncover their real biases.

Before it is too too late

Well! If the mess in Iraq was not enough, here come the results from Iran. The people of Iran who had resisted extremism by electing Khatami twice, have once again embraced hawkish Tehran Mayor as the next President. Another reaction to the way of spreading democracy by guns and boots right next door.
It's unfathomable that some leaders of the so-called civilized world could be so short-sighted in the zealotry of personal agenda that they would circumvent all the national and institutional interests of their own nations and continue treading on the wrong path, knowingly. The institutions of national wisdom and guidence are bulldozed and stubborness is equated with firmness. The difference between resoluteness and stubborness is in the outcome of actions. Leaders are supposed to be tactical and protean with the changing circumstances and not rigid in the face of defeat.
well! this is about time that we restrategize our positions and tacke the immesuarable adversity brought upon this nation by the ill-sightedness fo the few. This nation is supposed to be governed by the people even during the four years tenure and not during the election months only. This stubborness has made us American less favorable than China evenamong our traditional allied nation. this trend must be stemmed now before it is too too late. It is too late already